Inge Derom
Inge Derom is a professor in sport management at the department of Movement and Sport Sciences in the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She graduated from the KU Leuven in 2007 and the University of Windsor (Canada) in 2009. She completed the doctoral program in the School of Human Kinetics at the University of British Columbia (Canada) in 2015. She is the coordinator of the sport policy and sport management elective at the graduate level. Inge is the chair of the internationalization committee and has a keen interest in creating opportunities for student mobility. She teaches various courses in sport management, sport marketing, entrepreneurship and financial management at the undergraduate and graduate level. She supervises master and PhD students.
Her research focuses on understanding the social impact of hosting and leveraging major sport events. Together with BOP Consulting and Sheffield Hallam University, she is involved in four-year research project commissioned by EventFlanders to provide a methodology that can speak to the unique outcomes each event offers to spectators, participants and stakeholders. In addition, Inge has an interest in professional football (soccer). In partnership with the Pro League, and together with her colleague prof. Hebe Schaillée, she published a manual for professional football clubs to develop, implement and evaluate their Football & Social Responsibility (FSR) policy. Learning trajectories to further professionalise the FSR departments have been implemented.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels
Recent news items and events for Inge Derom
- Samenwerking met EventFlanders voor Onderzoek naar de Sociale Impact van Evenementen
- VUB vertegenwoordigd op EASM Conferentie 2024 in Parijs
- Netwerkevenement: ‘De (verbindende) kracht van de vrouw in (top)sport.’
- Groepsmobiliteit naar Zuid-Afrika
- Samenwerking VUB & Pro League
- Interactieve workshop trapt Women Empowerment Program op gang!
- Aftermovie SPPF symposium: Sport in Prison. A Plan for the Future
- Volleysport wil méér vrouwen op sleutelposities
- Brussels Olympic Research and Education Centre kicks off at the Atomium
- Molde Exchange 2022 - docentenmobiliteit