TPS prevention journey: Activity Guide and E-learning
The Transformative Power of Sport for and by Students (TPS) project was a two-year collaborative partnership funded by the European Commission (CERV). The project was a collaboration between Plan International Belgium, Plan International Spain and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The aim of the TPS project was to educate undergraduate physical education students on the prevention of gender-based violence by utilising sport as a vehicle for experiential learning. This led to the development of multiple educational tools in different languages for physical education professors and teachers, as well as sport coaches.
- Dutch online learning module
- French online learning module
- English online learning module
- Spanish online learning module
Involved from SASO-VUB: dra. Tiphaine Clerincx, prof. dr. Hebe Schaillée & prof. dr. Inge Derom

The Gender Equality Toolkit for Generation Z (GETZ) project was a three-year collaborative partnership funded by the European Commission (Erasmus+ Sport). The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is the result of the project and is available globally for individuals or groups (e.g., higher education students and staff, sport organisations) to engage with. Through this collaborative partnership, universities and sport organisations have worked together to create solutions that can help improve women’s access to sport by helping students of both genders understand the importance of gender equality in sport.
This project specifically engages both male and female members of Generation Z. Solving the problem of gender inequality is not achievable in isolation, by one national policy or by one organisational strategy. Therefore, this project has been a collaboration between seven European partners with a unique mix of academic and applied experience in the sport sector, with comparable socio-cultural environment.
Involved from SASO-VUB: prof. dr. Hebe Schaillée & prof. dr. Inge Derom