Remco Beek
Remco Beek combines his role as Associate Professor Sports Marketing & Management at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science with his doctoral research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Through his independent outlook, he aims to contribute bridging the academic-practice gap and enables the international sports industry to ascend to new heights. He has special interests in the area of marketing management where businesses, event organisers, media and government create value through their integrative sponsorship partnerships. As part of the community Sports Marketing and Management, he intends to change the game of education for the next generations in sports businesses. Actual research topics cover the dynamics of corporate community involvement in sports, the legacy of hallmark events, and the decision-making processes in sponsorship relationships. Grateful for the collaboration with professor Frank Go during the start of his PhD-research at the RSM Erasmus University, he continues their work with promotors professor Inge Derom and professor Jo Van Hoecke at the research unit Sport & Society of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Beek, R., & Derom, I. (2022). Sponsorship eras in the English Premier League: changing industries and globalization between 1992 and 2021. Soccer & Society, 23(4/5), 349-366.
Beek, R., Van Hoecke, J., & Derom, I. (2022).
Sport & Strategie, 9(2), 18-19.