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Martins Patatas, J., De Bosscher, V., Derom, I., & Winckler, C. (2022). Stakeholders’ perceptions of athletic career pathways in Paralympic sport: from participation to excellence. Sport in Society, 25(2), 299-320.
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De Brandt, K., Wylleman, P., & De knop, P. (2021). Debunking the dumb jock stereotype: A longitudinal study of the academic performance of student-athletes. Manuscript in preparation.
De Brandt, K., Wylleman, P., & Defruyt, S. (2021). The struggling Dual Career Support Provider. In S. Castillo, C. Wooding, D. Barba, & S. A. Chroni (Eds.), Building Consulting Skills: An International Case Study Collection Taylor & Francis.
De Cocq, S., Derom, I., & De Bosscher, V., (2021). Conceptualising the inspirational effect of elite sport: A case study of field hockey in Belgium. In Eurpean Sport Management quarterly, 21(5), 695-713.
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